Explore our videos page for a collection of insightful and informative content!


Disinformation vs Misinformation: 5 Ways to Detect Fake News Amid A Pandemic (Oct 20, 2020)

Now more than ever we receive information from a range of sources, whether it be from TV, online or...

Fake News Generator: Who starts viral misinformation? (May 4, 2020)

Conspiracy theories and speculation about coronavirus have flooded social media. But who starts...

House Hippo Commercial

 The House Hippo video first appeared on Canadian television in May 1999, as a public service...

House Hippo 2.0 (Sep 30, 2019)

The hippos are back to remind us that in today’s digital world, critical thinking is more important...

Identifying Misinformation (July 23, 2020)

Advises on ways to to detect misinformation. Sections include: Know the source, Know the content...

Media Bias: How All Sides Provides Balanced, Unbiased News (Jan 14, 2019)

 Media bias and polarization are destroying us. News, social media and search results have become so...

Media Monkey (2010)

The Media Monkey video first appeared on Canadian television in 2010, produced by Concerned...

Real News vs. Fake News

By the University of Louisville Research Assistance & Instruction...

We the Digital Citizens (Aug 8, 2019)

In this video, students can explore the amazing possibilities that come with using technology...
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